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Groupe Berkem announces the signature of a contribution agreement and the conclusion of an investment agreement between its main shareholder and Eurazeo in view of a simplified tender offer project

Press release

Groupe Berkem, a leading player in bio-based chemistry (ISIN code: FR00140069V2 – ticker: ALKEM), announces the signature of a contribution agreement by Kenercy of 100% of the Groupe Berkem shares it holds to Kenerzeo and the conclusion of an investment agreement between Kenercy and Eurazeo (ISIN code: FR000121121 – ticker: RF) concerning the financing, by funds managed by Eurazeo, of Kenerzeo up to a maximum amount of €23.5 million in view, in particular, of a simplified tender offer project initiated by Kenerzeo for the Groupe Berkem shares it will not hold. In parallel, Kenerzeo and Danske Bank Asset Management (shareholder of Groupe Berkem) signed today reciprocal commitments for the acquisition by Kenerzeo, and the sale by Danske Bank Asset Management, of 1,322,931 Groupe Berkem shares, representing 7.5% of Groupe Berkem’s capital share.

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