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Groupe Berkem 2022 First-Half Results: Revenue of €28.1 million and net income up 37.2%

Press release

Olivier FAHY, Chairman and CEO of Groupe Berkem, stated: “The results we generated over the period demonstrate the resilience of our model, which is based on healthy organic growth and a positioning in high value-added niche markets. Despite a decline in our EBITDA, mainly due to the price inflation we are facing on all of our raw materials, we decided very early on to apply price increases on our products which should eventually neutralise this effect. This first half of the year also provided an opportunity to make numerous commercial investments that will contribute to our future organic growth. We have also streamlined our financing policy, which now allows us to show a significant improvement in our net income. Coupled with the financing we secured at the end of July, Groupe Berkem is in a position to pursue its selective acquisition strategy in the short and medium term.”

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