Institutional brochure

The key dates

Launch of Pineol® Premium and Biombalance™, two active ingredients from the nutraceutical range. Acquisition of Naturex Iberian Partners's industrial site in Valencia specialized in plant and marine products extraction (named Berkem Iberica). Launch of the "Global Plant Exploration initiative".
Expansion of the Group’s bio-based offer in the Nutraceuticals market with the strategic acquisition of i.Bioceuticals, the exclusive North American distributor of nutritional supplements. Acquisition of Biopress, a French producer of 100% vegetable oils and proteins. Launch of H2OLIXIR, a range of 100% natural floral waters. Lauch of the connected termite bait system NOVATERM®.
Launch the range of 100% bio-based resins for the building paint market. Marketing of Ki’Leaft®, a new active ingredient extracted from kiwi leaves.
Successful IPO with a fundraising of approximately €52 M. Launch of Lixol’s eco-responsible approach.
Launch of the first plant-based superactivators using Synerkem® technology to enhance the performance of active substances used in biocidal and phytosanitary products.
Launch of a wider range of active plant ingredients for cosmetic purposes.
Acquisition of Eurolyo, a company specialising in freeze-drying techniques in a number of sectors: food processing, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc. This acquisition completes the Group's know-how in tailor-made products.
Acquisition by Groupe Berkem of Lixol, a manufacturer of resins for the paint, construction, wood treatment and ink industries. Acquisition of Xylophène Industrie activity by Groupe Berkem's Formulation Division in order to strengthen its own commercial activities and know-how. The subsidiaries of Groupe Berkem's Formulation Division (Sarpap & Cecil Industries and S&C Construction) merge to create a single entity called ADKALIS. Launch of the ADKALIS range of bio-based wood protection solutions.
Relocation of Groupe Berkem's administrative services and the sales, regulatory, R&D and communication/marketing services of the Formulation Division to Blanquefort.
Evaluation according to ISO 26 000 guidelines.
ISO 22000 (food safety) certification obtained.
Berkem Extraction becomes eligible for the Research Tax Credit to support the development projects of its clients or institutions.
Acquisition of Cecil Industrie 's wood treatment and termite prevention business, Termifilm. Sarpap becomes Sarpap & Cecil Industries.
Berkem SA and Sarpap merger. Berkem SA remains.
ISO 9001 certification obtained.
Creation of Berkem SA, a company specialising in plant extraction. Creation of the Quality Assurance department.
Creation of Sarpap's analysis and control laboratory, and a laboratory for the development of plant extracts.
Creation of Sarpap, application and research company on pest control products.

Key figures of Groupe Berkem


French chemical manufacturer since 1964

4 target markets

Construction & Materials, Hygiene & Protection,  Health, Beauty & Nutrition and Industry

Multiple business units, 1 objective

Integrating bio-based chemistry into conventional chemistry

  • Extraction
  • Freeze-drying
  • Formulation
  • Resin synthesis
  • Spray drying

1 head office

Blanquefort (Gironde, France)

5 industrial sites

• Gardonne (Dordogne)
• La Teste de Buch (Gironde)
• Chartres (Eure-et-Loir)
• Tonneins (Lot-et-Garonne)
• Valencia (Spain)

SYNERKEM technologie


dedicated to the development of innovative plant-based solutions

5 laboratories in Gardonne

• 2 dedicated to R&D
• 2 for quality control and analysis
• 1 biology laboratory

5 laboratories in Blanquefort

• 3 laboratories for the development of decoration products (paints, stains, varnishes, etc.)
• 1 quality control and analysis laboratory
• 1 biology laboratory


Nearly 250 employees

Drapeau français


100% European production

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